Time passes Pip still working with Joe as a blacksmith. Pip does not enjoy working as a blacksmith and is only doing this out of Joe respect. The more he works he thinks of Estella showing up and seeing him which he hopes doesn’t happen

Chapter 11: Pip returns to Miss Havisham, Miss Havisham takes Pip to a room with 4 people in it where they all talk about Pip as if he isn’t there, After this Estella attempts to make Pip cry again. Miss Havisham is having a conversation with her relatives and she believes that her relatives only want her money. Pip goes on a walk and meets a young pale gentleman and the gentleman insists that they have a fight. As Pip leaves Estella lets Pip kiss her.

Chapter 12: Pip goes back to Miss Havisham and he sees the blood of the pale young gentleman and thinks about the fight Miss Havisham takes Pip to a room where all the wedding day stuff was kept. Pip tells Miss Havisham about Joe and Miss Havisham asks Pip to bring Joe.

Chapter 13: Pip is taken to the town hall with Mr Pumblechook and he is given apprenticeship to become a blacksmith

Book: Alex Ferguson Biography Leading

Theme: Ambition

In this biography Alex Ferguson talks about his career as a manager and what he learn along the way to becoming a successor. In the introduction he talks briefly about his past and talks about him going round to colleges and talking about football and how he became a successful manager. Each chapter talks about his experiences as a manger and each chapter has the title of what it takes to become a leader/manager. He tells us his experience with players and his experience learning from other managers. He talks about his first hand experience working with different clubs and players and we learn about what it takes to become a leader and he talks about his ambition to become a good manager and showing everyone that the impossible is possible


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