summary of chapter 5&6&7

Chapter 5- Mrs Joe finds out there is no pie, The Sergeant came to Joe to fix the handcuffs. After this they go on a hunt and find the 2 prisoners in a ditch and they take them back to the prison ship. The convict takes no notice of Pip. The convict lies and tells the officer that he stole the liquor and the pie.

Chapter 6- Pip feels relieved that his convict lied about the pie and liquor he feels happy that he helped him out

Chapter 7- Pip writes a letter to Joe and Pip finds out the Joe can’t read he can only read his name Pip finds out that Joe and his Mum ran away from his Dad and never had time to go to school Joe still has loyalty towards his Dad even though he used to hit him. Joe talks about how he loves Pip sister and how he wishes how Pip didn’t have the “Tickler” Mrs Joe talks about Pip going to play at Mrs Havisham who is rich lady and Mr Pumblechook is tenant of her





