What is the relationship between our spoken language and the language we use when we text? In the following paragraphs will identify features of spoken language and will also identify features that we use when we text. The paragraphs will also talk about the link between both text and spoken language. There are many features for both spoken and text language.
The relationship between the people in the conversation both speech and text: This could also be seen as informal and formal. Looking at the text language it all depends on the word structure and the way we talk to each other to identify the relationship between the people involved in the conversation. For example in text when people say “wuu2” or “gtg” or “Y?” would be initialism saying this you would normally be talking to a friend. You would be more formal with your friends cut out certain letters of words or use initialism or shorten sentences. Where as with adults you would do the opposite since you don’t have the same relationship as them. Spoken language for example using slang would show the relationship in this case it would be between friends. Since you wouldn’t use slang when talking to adults. When looking or listening to conversations you have to identify the key words and the way they speak to each other to know the relationship between the people in the conversation.
The use of initialism would be to shorten words to make it easier to type and write it this also shows that conversation is between friends for example the word “wuu2” is shortened for “what you up too” saying wuu2 is a shorter and quicker way instead of writing it out fully it would save time and in some cases also get a conversation going. This is usually said at the start of a conversation. It is common for this to be said between friends seen as it is not said around adults.
Formality and how we change depending on who we are registering we are normally formal around friends and around adults we are informal an example of this would be when talking to friends you would shorten words or miss out letters or substitute numbers for letters where as with adults you would write out the whole sentence so it would make sense.
The status between the 2 people in the conversation: This could also link into the 1st paragraph. When identifying the status between 2 people in the conversation there are key words and the way the people talk to each other tone of voice. In spoken language its easy to tell the status for example if there was a conversation between a teacher and a student the teacher would be more informal and the tone of voice can also state who is in-charge. For text language it would be completely different to identify you would have too look at the words and how they structure there sentences and the use of punctuation could also be a factor. For example “r u comin to my house l8er” There wouldn’t be a question mark because you would usually say this to friends and you would be more formal with friends. You could tell that the status between the 2 people in the conversation are friends.
Abbreviations in text: Abbreviations means to shorten words or phrases, We shorten words to make it easier type and its quicker its is common to shorten words and is almost used by everyone when texting. Some words shortened would be Anon (Anonymous) A.S.A.P (as soon as possible) Some of these words are commonly used and people understand the meaning of the words. It is often used to save time typing out the word, Abbreviations in text would commonly be used amongst youngsters this would be because some youngsters are used to words being shortened or abbreviated.
How text can influence speech: Text has a big influence on speech for example a common word in text language would be “LOL” which would be laughter sometimes it could be used in speech language for example in a conversation “LOL that was really funny” another example of text influencing speech would be the word OMG which would mean “Oh My God!” it also another commonly used word in text which could be the reason it is also used in speech since people are used to writing the word they don’t realise they say the “OMG!” in a conversation. Seeing as the words are commonly used people don’t realise they’re saying these words since they are used to saying it in text and find it normal to say and use in a sentence.